Monday, November 12, 2007

Just until I can get my bearings.

I have a terrible track record.

I've never been able to stay interested enough in keeping a journal to keep it up regularly for more than a couple of weeks unless it's required for a class, (which is less "interest" than "self-interest," to be accurate) and even when I am interested, something in my life usually finds a way to distract me--or at least offer a convenient excuse for me to slack off.

Much like my attitude toward the gym.

But my time here in the Midwest is wrapping up, and this year is lot more malleable, time-wise, than the previous black-hole-that-is-a-graduate-education has been, and I'm choosing to be optimistic.

Now if only my life would become vastly more interesting and full of outlandish, madcap situations and scintillating conversation overnight, this would all work out just fine.

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