Friday, March 6, 2009


I am a reader. I don't go anywhere without a book, or a magazine, because nothing occupies those inevitable minutes when you're stuck on the train, or standing in line, like having something to read. I'm also a multi-tasker; talking on the phone while doing dishes being one of my personal favorites.

You know what I don't do, though?

I don't read while walking down the sidewalk. Or up the stairs from the subway. Or crossing the frigging street. Because I do not want to die an early death, either from a vehicle that I did not see because I was too caught up in the latest Savage/Love column, or the cumulative hatred of all of those people trying to get to the job they still, luckily, have, but may not for much longer if they're late because somebody couldn't be bothered to look from his paper and move at a decent pace.

I'm just saying.

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